Install & Build ===================== 1. Build Environment: 1.1 CentOS 5.6, Ubuntu 10.4, fully install. 1.2 You can open Terminal for using command line. 2. Put "DGS-1210-10P-GPLSourceCode.tar.gz" under /home and using command "tar -zxvf DGS-1210-10P-GPLSourceCode.tar.gz" to untar it. 3. Prepare for toolchain: Copy /home/DGS-1210-10P-GPL/toolchain/iproc_3.3.1.tar.gz to /opt folder and using command "tar -zxvf iproc_3.3.1.tar.gz" to untar it. 4. Prepare for SourceCode: Into os folder (/home/DGS-1210-10P-GPL/os) and using command "tar -zxvf linux-3.6.5_iProLDK_3.3.1.tar.gz" to untar it. 5. Add yourself to the sudo list Edit "/etc/sudoers" to add your account to the sudoers. For example : user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL This action is only allowed by super user, and the file "sudoers" is read-only. You must login in super user and change the file permission. Remember to change file permission back to 440 by command "chmod 440 /etc/sudoers". 6. In /home/DGS-1210-10P-GPL/, then type command "source build.env" then type "make GPLos". 7. After building finished, you can find /home/DGS-1210-10P-GPL/image folder and firmware("Ex: DGS-1210-10P_C1-OS.hex").